Design Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

How Higher Efficiency AC Units Can Save You Money

Monday, June 17th, 2024


When the summer heat rolls in, a reliable air conditioning system becomes a necessity for maintaining comfort. However, running an AC unit can significantly increase energy bills. This is where higher efficiency AC units, particularly those with higher SEER2 ratings, come into play. Not only do these units keep your home cool, but they also offer substantial savings on energy costs. Here’s how investing in a higher-efficiency AC unit can save you money.

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Measure the Efficiency of Your New AC

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

When you invest in a new air conditioner, energy efficiency is probably top of mind. After all, if your air conditioner lasts for the average lifespan of 15 years, that is 180 energy bills you’ll have to pay. You probably want those energy bills to be as low as possible to save money – and we can help. 

The best way to do that is to invest in a highly efficient air conditioner when you install a new unit. But how do you measure the efficiency of a new air conditioner? The good news is that the HVAC industry has standards in place to help you accurately estimate efficiency for your home.

If it’s time for a new air conditioner, you can give our team a call to schedule an air conditioning installation in Salt Lake City. You can also keep reading to learn more about the SEER2 efficiency scale and learn more about what it means for the Salt Lake City area specifically.

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Why Grinding Is Such a Bad Noise to Hear

Monday, October 9th, 2023

When it comes to your heat pump making unusual noises, there really aren’t any sounds that are good news. However, some are worse than others. Grinding is one sound in particular that can be very dangerous for your heat pump.

When you hear a grinding sound coming from your heat pump, it’s time to schedule heat pump service in Salt Lake City. You want to stay ahead of problems by addressing the sound sooner rather than later. You can keep reading to learn more about what causes grinding and why the sound is so dangerous for your heat pump.

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The Connection Between AC Repairs and AC Maintenance

Monday, August 14th, 2023

If you’re like a lot of homeowners, you may be wondering if there is a correlation between investing in AC maintenance and having fewer repair needs. The answer to this is a resounding yes! The better care you take of your air conditioner, the less likely you are to have problems.

And this is great news when you want to avoid unexpected AC breakdowns. Of course, when you do need to schedule service, you can always give our team a call for air conditioning repair in Salt Lake City. But you can also keep reading to learn about all the ways that AC maintenance helps you prevent problems from getting so bad that your air conditioner stops working completely.

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Beware These Signs That Your Air Conditioner Is Struggling

Monday, June 7th, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitIt is relatively common for electronics and appliances to malfunction at times, especially if they have many moving parts. Even with timely maintenance, your AC might not be performing to its peak capacity, simply due to age and natural wear and tear. 

How would you know that your AC is struggling though? Air conditioning is a blessing, but when it doesn’t work properly, it can cause great annoyance. Let’s help you figure out whether your AC is underperforming!

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Heed These Late Season AC Tips!

Monday, August 17th, 2020

animated-gif-checklistSummer is nearing its final weeks. This means that soon enough we’ll be able to turn off our air conditioners and start enjoying cooler weather again! Except, maybe you shouldn’t rush to just shut off that AC system without giving it a second thought.

The thing is, this is the time of year that air conditioners are most likely to break down, especially if they’re older cooling systems or they had repair needs that weren’t taken care of. Your system can also breakdown if you skipped maintenance this year. The reason for this is because they’ve been through so much work over the last several months. Heed the tips below to ensure that next spring, you’ll have an air conditioner ready to work through another summer!

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Heed These Signs of AC Service Needs

Monday, April 29th, 2019

air-conditioner-outside-unit-with-tool-bag-on-topSpring is officially here! You may already have turned on your AC system for the season, and soon enough you’ll be using it on a daily basis. The last thing you need when you turn yours on is a broken down system or sudden repair need. Of course, the best way to prevent this is with professional air conditioning maintenance, which gives our technicians the opportunity to thoroughly clean, inspect, and adjust any components that need it.

Even with maintenance, however, repair needs may still crop up, however minor they may be. And the good news is that most air conditioning service needs give out signs and symptoms long before they become a huge problem, if you know what to look and listen for. Keep reading to learn some of the common signs that you do, in fact, need air conditioner repair.

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Is It Too Early for AC Maintenance?

Monday, April 15th, 2019

ac-system-with-toolsWinter is officially over! Well, okay, we still might be in for a couple of cold spells and the weather can always take a turn and surprise us later in the spring. But, the fact is that soon enough you will need your air conditioner on a regular basis each day.

Many homeowners are hesitant to schedule maintenance services for their air conditioners. We get it, it might seem unnecessary if there’s nothing visibly wrong with your system and it’s not showing signs of trouble. But trust us, your tune-ups are essential to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your air conditioner.

So if you’re ready to start thinking about warmer days, then it’s time to contact a pro from our team. But, how does this service benefit you?

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When Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

Monday, August 20th, 2018

When-Is-It-Too-Late-for-AC-MaintenanceIf you’ve never had maintenance done for your air conditioner, and/or it’s broken down to the point that no repair will get it back up in running, then it is too late for AC maintenance. This is literally the only case in which it would be “too late” for a Salt Lake City air conditioning tune-up. Otherwise, while we do recommend getting that tune-up done before the heating season begins, there really is no wrong time of the year to have it done—so long as it’s scheduled once a year (twice a year for heat pumps).

“Okay, but I can skip it this year, right? My AC is working fine after all.”

The fact of the matter is, AC maintenance is one of the most important, if not the most important, services you can have done for your cooling system. It keeps your air conditioner clean, adjusted, and it grants you the peace of mind that it has been thoroughly checked over by a pro. Maintenance tune-ups are not a luxury service—they should be done on a regular basis.

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Signs of Leaking Refrigerant in Your Air Conditioner

Tuesday, May 24th, 2016

A lot of people think that air conditioners consume refrigerant the same way that a car consumes motor oil. That’s not actually the case. In fact, the air conditioner relies on a very specific amount of refrigerant — dictated by make and model — circulating through a closed loop in order to do its job. Leaks aren’t supposed to spring up, but when they do, they constitute a big problem. Here in Holladay, UT, there are trained services that should always deal with leaking refrigerant, since the chemicals are dangerous and require proper experience to handle. You can, however, watch for since of leaking refrigerant in your air conditioner. When you spot them, shut the system down and call for help immediately.

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