Design Comfort Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Plumbing Problems You Can DIY and Those You Can’t Design

Monday, August 12th, 2024


Plumbing problems can range from minor annoyances to major headaches. As a homeowner, knowing which issues you can handle yourself and which ones require professional intervention is essential to maintaining a functional plumbing system. In this blog, we’ll guide you through some basic plumbing fixes you can DIY and situations where you should definitely call in a professional plumber in Park City, UT. At Design Comfort, you can always count on us as a plumbing company that is honest and has the customers’ best interests in mind.

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8 Tips to Prepare Your Plumbing System

Monday, April 22nd, 2024


As the winter snow melts away, temperatures start increasing, and flowers begin to bloom, springtime is the perfect opportunity to rejuvenate your home—and that includes your plumbing system. With the transition to warmer weather, it’s essential to ensure that your plumbing is ready to handle the increased usage that often accompanies the season.

In this guide, we’ll explore eight essential homeowner maintenance tasks to add to your spring to-do list. This will help you prepare your plumbing system for spring and hopefully avoid the need to call our professional plumbers in Salt Lake City down the road.

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3 Tips for a Clogged Drain

Monday, September 25th, 2023

Having a clogged drain may not seem like a huge deal. It’s usually a pretty simple fix and many homeowners address drain clogs on their own without ever calling for professional help. But does that mean DIY is the best way to handle a drain clog? Sometimes yes, but other times no.

We have three tips to help you break down a tough drain clog yourself the safe way. If your efforts don’t work, you can always call us for plumbing in Salt Lake City. We can help break down even the toughest clogs and even prevent them from coming back again in the near future. You can keep reading to learn more about our top three tips for clogged drains around your home.

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Why the Demand for Sump Pumps in Utah is Increasing

Monday, September 11th, 2023

You may have heard a buzz around town about sump pumps. There’s a good reason for this chatter. Over the winter season, everything freezes. Then in the spring, all of that ice and snow melts and needs to go somewhere. This melting water runoff often causes flooding for homeowners.

Enter, the sump pump. When you install a sump pump in your home, you can prevent water damage from spring runoff, along with any other potential problems like heavy rain. If you are interested in sump pump installation in Salt Lake, give our team a call. You can also keep reading to learn more about how a sump pump works and how it can benefit your home and the family.

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3 Common Summer Plumbing Problems

Monday, July 17th, 2023


Summer is the ideal season for outdoor activities we don’t get to enjoy as much during other times of the year. Barbecues, camping trips, and hiking in the great outdoors are some things we enjoy here in Salt Lake City.

Summer also tends to be a season when all of this extra fun tends to be not-so-fun for your plumbing system. The extra demands that summer takes on plumbing can lead to the need for plumbing services

There’s nothing worse than having your summer plans interrupted by a plumbing issue such as a clogged kitchen sink or a slow-draining shower. Let’s review some common summer activities that can lead to plumbing problems and how to avoid them. 

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It Can’t Wait! When to Call for Prompt Plumbing Repair

Monday, July 3rd, 2023


If a plumbing system where no problems ever develop sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is. Even an expertly installed and designed plumbing system made with the highest quality pipes and fixtures will run into problems eventually.

So how do you know which issues can wait and which can’t? Some will be obvious like a severe leak or no access to water. Let’s go over 5 scenarios that require a prompt call for plumbing repair in Salt Lake City.

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Sounds Your Water Heater Shouldn’t Make

Monday, March 27th, 2023


Every house has sounds that are familiar to its inhabitants. A creaky floorboard, a branch that scrapes the roof, or a door that always squeaks when you open it. None of these sounds are harmful and in fact, some might become familiar and endearing.

But there are certain sounds you shouldn’t hear in your home because they’re indications of interferences with your home’s systems. Unusual noises coming from your water heater fall into this category. A water heater naturally makes a small amount of noise as it operates. 

However, there are noises that you never want to hear coming from your water heater. Be on the alert for any of these sounds because they indicate you need water heater services in Salt Lake City, UT. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us if you hear any of these sounds.

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3 Causes Of Kitchen Sink Backups

Monday, February 27th, 2023


The kitchen sink is an invaluable part of your home. In fact, the term “everything but the kitchen sink” is a reflection of this. The idiom dates back to WWII when citizens donated “everything but the kitchen sink” to help the war effort. The reasoning was that cast-iron sinks were deemed too heavy and bulky for donation.

We can’t imagine any homeowner being without a kitchen sink. Your kitchen sink is used multiple times throughout the day for food preparation, cooking, washing, and cleaning. It’s also subject to a lot of abuse. All the waste that comes from cooking and household chores goes down the drain. Unfortunately, this can lead to kitchen sink backups.

Even if there’s just a small amount of water backed up in your sink, you should call a professional. You don’t want it to get to the point where water is spilling out of the sink and onto your kitchen floor. When it comes to issues with kitchen plumbing in Salt Lake City, UT, you can count on our team for fast repairs. Let’s look at 3 common causes for this issue so you can hopefully avoid needing our expert service.

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Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year

Monday, January 30th, 2023


Although most New Year’s resolutions usually have something to do with health, a lot of people make other types of goals. They might prioritize spending less time on their smartphones and more time on their hobbies. They might make resolutions for their jobs, families, and even their homes.

If you’ve resolved to take better care of your home in the new year, here are 7 plumbing resolutions to make. By following these tips, you can hopefully avoid the need for unexpected plumbing service in Salt Lake City, UT.

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Heed These Signs You Might Have a Slab Leak

Monday, October 24th, 2022

cracked-concrete-foundationIf there’s a phrase that has the most potential to strike fear in the hearts of Utah homeowners, it has to be “slab leak.” Perhaps you know a neighbor, friend, or family member who’s suffered from a slab leak problem.

These problematic water leaks occur in the pipes that run beneath a house’s concrete slab or foundation. Because they are notoriously difficult to detect, slab leaks often go unnoticed for a long time. Once the signs of a slab leak become apparent, locating and accessing the slab leak creates another set of problems.

Even though slab leaks aren’t always preventable, noticing the first signs of slab leaks is the key to early detection. Here are common signs of slab leaks that all proactive homeowners should recognize.

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